Although things have been a bit quiet here at Different kinds of normal lately, I have been busy!
We got through term one of school relatively unscathed.
MasterL and MissG settled into their new classes well. Both have struggled with tiredness, and MasterL has felt the effects of the
loss of his Disability Support Funding. You can read more about both of their stories at
Amazing Adventures.
12 year old MasterI has enjoyed his first term of high school. He likes the challenge of the work, and is making friends. A great start!
MissK continues to be a great student, and negotiated the challenges of living with a broken arm quite well, though we are super glad it has healed and she can get back into sport, karate and being able to ply on the equipment at school.
Our oldest daughter, E, has been working through some significant health challenges for the past 6 months, and I am so proud of her persistence and strength. She will be writing with me over at
Being OK with Bipolar over the next few months, and we hope to be able to share some of her art works with you there too.
And we added BabyR to the family! You can read his birth story at
Aussie Mum Network by clicking the link "A birth story" further down this page.
Life is certainly not without it's challenges here, but we keep moving forward. I find my fortnightly visits to our Psychologist incredibly helpful. It is so good to have someone to talk to, bounce ideas off and ask for suggestions on how to manage some of the more tricky things.

We are currently enjoying some time out of our normal routine, as it is school holidays for two weeks.
We have been bushwalking, and spending some time resting. Over the next few days we will be able to spend time with extended family and friends, and go on some outings together. Hubby has some time off work at the moment too, a rare treat for us to all have holidays at the same time!!
So- there you are... all updated! You can find articles I've written over the past few weeks by clicking the links below:
"Grieving Autism Accepting Autism"
"This is Autism Acceptance"
"Awareness vs Acceptance"
"I am still thinking about Every Student Every School"
"A birth story"